Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Low Blood Pressure More Condition_symptoms What Are Some Natural Remedies For Terrible Low Blood Pressure?

What are some natural remedies for terrible low Blood pressure? - low blood pressure more condition_symptoms

I have terribly low pressure several times and I need something from home or natural remedies for it. As a rule, somewhere between 110 / 75-90 over 60 years, so I was quite startled some readings this morning. Near the spot where it was a shock. So I have a natural remedy for blood pressure. Meaning I keep my blood pressure.
I am completely ignorant in this area. I thank you in advance for educating me.


SkepDoc 2.0 said...

The numbers themselves are one thing, the more important is the question of how does it feel? If you are not dizzy or lightheaded, weak, low BP readings, there is probably nothing to worry about

There are certain endocrine disorders that can cause defects in BP, but you would be by blood tests your doctor to rule out (TSH and cortisol levels at least)

Since people with high blood pressure are advised to reduce salt ... it is actually very reasonable for people with low blood pressure symptoms to ensure they are salt in your diet.

SkepDoc 2.0 said...

The numbers themselves are one thing, the more important is the question of how does it feel? If you are not dizzy or lightheaded, weak, low BP readings, there is probably nothing to worry about

There are certain endocrine disorders that can cause defects in BP, but you would be by blood tests your doctor to rule out (TSH and cortisol levels at least)

Since people with high blood pressure are advised to reduce salt ... it is actually very reasonable for people with low blood pressure symptoms to ensure they are salt in your diet.

SkepDoc 2.0 said...

The numbers themselves are one thing, the more important is the question of how does it feel? If you are not dizzy or lightheaded, weak, low BP readings, there is probably nothing to worry about

There are certain endocrine disorders that can cause defects in BP, but you would be by blood tests your doctor to rule out (TSH and cortisol levels at least)

Since people with high blood pressure are advised to reduce salt ... it is actually very reasonable for people with low blood pressure symptoms to ensure they are salt in your diet.

SkepDoc 2.0 said...

The numbers themselves are one thing, the more important is the question of how does it feel? If you are not dizzy or lightheaded, weak, low BP readings, there is probably nothing to worry about

There are certain endocrine disorders that can cause defects in BP, but you would be by blood tests your doctor to rule out (TSH and cortisol levels at least)

Since people with high blood pressure are advised to reduce salt ... it is actually very reasonable for people with low blood pressure symptoms to ensure they are salt in your diet.

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